segunda-feira, 24 de março de 2014

Joaquim Barbosa - Política e Ciências Humanas

"Ao contrário do que dizem por aí a meu respeito - essa história de 'foi menino pobre, filho de um pedreiro que ascendeu na vida' - acho tudo isso uma bobagem."

"Eu não suporto essa história de um sujeito ficar escolhendo palavrinhas muito gentis para fazer algo inaceitável. E isso é da nossa cultura - o sujeito está fazendo algo ilegal, inaceitável, mas com belas palavras..."

"O Brasil é o país dos conchavos - do tapinha nas costas. O país onde tudo se resolve na base da amizade e eu não suporto nada disso. Às vezes eu sou duro para mostrar que isso não faz o menor sentido numa grande democracia como é a nossa (...) Nós estamos entre as dez grandes democracias do mundo hoje, das mais sólidas. Isso aqui não é lugar para brincadeira - e se faz muita brincadeira no Brasil."

Joaquim Barbosa é um sujeito de personalidade forte, com uma visão do direito não muito tradicional e às vezes controversa, que se tornou uma das figuras públicas mais discutidas da história de nosso país. Mesmo aqueles que não concordam com o modo de pensar do Ministro deveriam assistir a essa brilhante entrevista de Roberto D'Ávila, a qual discute a política atual do nosso país e seus problemas mais profundos, além de outros temas culturais e filosóficos muito interessantes.


sexta-feira, 7 de março de 2014

Beyond those Green Eyes

Hazel met green. In that moment I started going through the portal to your soul. You asked me: "what are you doing?" and I just couldn't explain it in a proper way. I was just doing what i always do when I meet someone with a semblance of substance: trying to feel them, their soul, their core and understand. You smiled anyway.

We've talked about stuff: Music, philosophy, religion, poetry (not delving into it, as you're not that fond of), and Disney/Pixar movies that my so called maturity made me blind to. Even though you haven't read any of the history or sociology books that I did, you've managed to have a strong and solid opinion about everything, making me think hard about what I've said, developing once again my own opinion about matters i thought were settled down for a while. I have felt that I could learn with you. What could lie beyond those green eyes?

For the first time ever I'm more willing to listen than to talk. My fiery spirit is kept at bay and I feel just fine listening to you talking with such passion about your dreams and the stuff you watch over and over again - even though I'm not familiar with (mostly) any of them - gazing upon that soft, pale skin and those green eyes. I wanted to ask you: what sorcery is this?

(Un)surprisingly I didn't manage to understand it all. There's this "fuck it all" philosophy of yours that made me notice a scarred soul beyond those green (or should I call them blue, like that heart?) eyes, much like mine. Once I thought about it, I felt something unique, as if the lion inside me (who was in a deep slumber since way back then) uttered a deep and prolongued roar. Now there's this need to understand what's beyond that green barrier and tear down the fears, tears and disappointments - even though i'm "such a disappointment" myself - that might reside there.

This fire inside burns as if it was fed with firewood, which is kind of scary, considering how long i've managed to drag my life without a single spark. Words seem to escape my mouth and remain slothfully in my mind, in the hope that my overeager personality won't burn away anything. I realize now more than ever that I really suck at dealing with feelings (especially new ones) and also that green eyes paralize.

The need to sleep quickly faded away from me as I've got used to night conversations, which helped me write this. When I do go to bed, I can't help but hope that there will be more in the next day. More kissing in the rain. More messy hair. More green eyes. Green eyes that hypnotize.